Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. Your donation helps with the Museum’s operating expenses, staffing and general repair and upkeep – so that the Children’s Museum can be a resource and fun destination for the community and tourists for many years to come! Donations can be made by mailing a check to the address below or giving online via the Donate button below.
If you want to donate more in a multiple of $25, just add quantities to cart.
If you would like to donate less just mail it to us or send us an email to get you set up to donate that amount online.
If you choose to mail a donation,
please make donations payable to and mail to the following address:
For the Kids by George Children’s Museum
229 E Martin Street Ste 2
Martinsburg, WV 25401
For the kids, by George Children’s Museum is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible.